Accessing your health record

Your health record includes information like any conditions or allergies you have and any medicine you’re taking.

Most patients will automatically have access to more information added to their health record. This includes letters, test results and appointment notes.

You can access your health record and nominate someone you trust to access it too.

You can use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App) or Patient Access to access your health record.

You’ll need to ask the surgery for online access to your full health record, or you’ll only see your medicines and allergies.

Requesting your medical records at the practice

Medical records can also be request at the practice this can take up to 30 workings days. A signed consent form is needed and then your request will be passed onto a EMR/MediData to complete this request.

What is EMR-MediData

Medi2Data is a NHS Digital accredited company who have
developed a digital system called eMR, which enables GP
practices to create digital, GDPR compliant medical reports.

EMR helps GP practices with data security, speed and efficiency.
eMR also helps patients to easily view your medical data, stay in control of it and decide who you want to share it with.
Medi2Data has worked hard to develop their NHS GP IT Futures accredited technology, eMR, which
integrates with our GP practice’s system to extract your medical record.
This means you can receive a full copy of that information securely and share it with others as you
wish, keeping your data safe.
If you wish to speak to a member of the Medi2Data team regarding your medical report, or any
concerns you may have regarding your data, please contact Medi2Data directly on

Phone number: 0333 3055 774 Email:

Request access to your full health record online

First, you need to register for online services and prove who you are. To request access:

  • visit the surgery with photo ID so we can confirm your identity
  • if you are setting up access for the first time, we will give you a username and password
  • go to Patient Access or the app for access

Access to other medical records

For any other medical records, you need to ask for them at the NHS service you went to. This includes records like your hospital record.