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National HIV Week 2025

It’s been over 10 years since the start of National HIV Testing Week! From 10-16
February, Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham, Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich are calling
on residents to test for HIV.
Last year’s HIV Testing Week was a great success, significantly increasing the number of
tests conducted. This year, we aim to build on that success and encourage even more
testing. Let’s continue to promote HIV screening and ensure we reach as many people
as possible.
South East London is a high prevalence area and there are still people living with HIV
who are unaware of their status, which can lead to poorer outcomes and onward
NICE guidelines recommend primary care consider HIV testing opportunistically at
each consultation and offer HIV testing to those who are undergoing a blood test for
another reason and have not had an HIV test in the previous year.
During National HIV Testing Week (10-16 February), each GP practice in Lambeth,
Southwark, Lewisham, Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich should offer HIV testing for
everyone aged 16 and over receiving a blood test. During this week, HIV testing should
be normalised and considered part of routine care for people who are attending GP
practices and having blood tests.
This initiative is supported by our HIV GP Champions – Ruth Harris (Lambeth), Grace
Bottoni (Lewisham), Anita Belgaumkar (Bromley) and Christopher Ward (Southwark).
HIV testing should have minimal impact on staff efficiency and patient flow and should
ideally be delivered by existing staff or phlebotomist centres.
Could you please promote HIV Testing Week in your practice by displaying the posters
and playing the promotional video on your digital screens.
Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham, Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich Sexual Health Teams